Will You Believe God?

By Dr. David Jeremiah

"Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven."- Acts 1:11

Recommended Reading
John 14:1-4

When a jury listens to a witness give testimony in a criminal or civil trial, the witnesses' character--his or her record of truth-telling--bears heavily on their decision. Does this witness have a history of honesty? Of telling the truth? Of living a life above reproach? 

Does the witness have anything to gain or lose by not telling the truth? If all indications point to honesty and integrity, the jury has no choice but to believe the witnesses' words.

The same thought process applies to what Jesus Christ said about His own return to earth. Throughout three years of public ministry, there is no record of His saying anything that was not true, not demonstrable, or not believable. Indeed, "the truth" was a central part of His teachings (John 8:32; 14:6). 

So, put yourself in the place of the jury concerning His testimony: "I will come again and receive you." Since your future--indeed, your eternal destiny--depends on whether you believe His words or not, what should you do?

If you have not taken Jesus Christ at His word, now would be a good day to believe.
The truth of Scripture demolishes speculation. -R. C. Sproul

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