by Bo Sanchez
Is your Faith Toxic?
Instead of healing, it kills.
Instead of blessing, it harms.
Instead of giving, it robs.
No, I’m not talking about your Brand of Religion. You could be Catholic, Born-Again, Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu. It doesn’t matter. In each of these, you could have Toxic Faith.
It’s not the Brand of Religion, but the poisonous way you carry out your religion. It poisons you and it poisons others around you.
One of the clear signs that it’s Toxic Faith is that it fuels our hidden addictions.
I know of a significant number of religious people who are addicted to sex, alcohol, food, anger, materialism, and obviously, to religion itself.
In recent years, sex addiction has become a huge problem among religious leaders. I should know. As a 13-year-old boy, I was molested by a religious leader.
And in the process, I became a porn addict.
I wanted to run away from the pain within. I didn’t want to face my internal problems. So I sought solace in my religious activities. And in pornography.
This is my story... [click here to continue reading the article]