By: Dr. Harold Sala
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
“Dear Lord,” a certain individual prayed, “So far today, I’ve done all right. I haven’t lost my temper. I haven’t said anything that I regret. Nor have I been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent. I’m really glad about that, God. But in a few minutes, I’m going to get out of bed and from then on I’m probably going to need a lot more help.” Right! If you have ever had one of those days, you can relate to what happened to a Tokyo commuter recently.
Undoubtedly Katsuo Katugoru, then age 48, wished he had stayed in bed instead of boarding a crowded commuter tube train because what should have been a rather routine train ride undoubtedly turned out to be the worst day of his life and will probably never be matched by any similar challenge in the future.
According to the Associated Press, here’s what happened to Katsuo. All his life, said Katsuo, he has had a fear of drowning by tidal wave, and to offset this fear, Katsuo invented a kind of life jacket and pants made of rubber and worn as underwear which could be inflated by a pressure cylinder such as you would use to immediately inflate a bicycle tire.
The problem came, however, when something malfunctioned and suddenly his rubber underwear inflated making him balloon like the Michelin man that appears in the ads. A well-intentioned passenger remedied the situation by stabbing his inflatable underwear with a sharp pencil. A lot more than his rubber underwear was deflated.
Wow! Chances are you will never find yourself in that kind of a situation. It may be an elevator which gets stuck, or traffic that bogs down, or your keys get lost and you have to call a locksmith to get into your car, only to discover that your battery has been run down by the radio you left on.
There are days when you should have just stayed in bed, or skipped the day and gone fishing. But you don’t have that choice. Honestly, do you ever wonder if God is trying to tell you something? Ever consider the possibility that you need to back away from all of it and see the humor in what is happening?
If God is sovereign—and He is—and if you are His child, then you have to accept the fact that nothing can happen to you beyond His knowledge and will. Nothing? That’s a pretty sweeping statement, and yet with that single word, we turn the corner and face both our human inadequacy and the greatness of God’s resources and power.
Frankly, we are our own worst enemies. We are the ones, who like Katsuo Katugoru, cause us our greatest problems, and when that happens God is hardly to be blamed. Why doesn’t He just stop all of these weird things from happening? More than a few times I have prayed that the Lord would protect me from myself, because I learned a long time ago that I am my own worst enemy. When my ego gets inflated, someone needs to puncture it and bring it down to size.
The real issue is not whether God can or should override my blunders and my occasional mistakes, but whether He gives me the courage to go on and the wisdom to learn from them. No, God isn’t going to change the immutable laws of cause and effect, but I do think, He, on occasion, smiles at me just as we do a little child who stumbles over words or inadvertently spills his milk. Then He helps lift me up and sets my feet on a straight path.
When you have one of those days, its best not to take yourself very seriously, and remember that this too shall pass. Thank God for the hope of tomorrow and the forgiveness that He extends for my failures today. But it isn’t a bad idea to consult God on what lies ahead even before you rise in the morning. Yes, indeed.
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