Today's Scripture
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
The Bible tells us that faith without works is dead. That means if you don’t put your faith into action, it’s not really faith, it’s just nice ideas. But when God truly does a work in our lives, it affects everything about us - our words, our thoughts, our actions.
How do you know someone is generous? By their generous actions. How do you know someone is kind? By their kind actions. How do you know someone is gentle? By their gentle actions. How do you know someone is a follower of Christ? By their Christ-like actions!
Can people tell by your actions that you belong to God? We all have areas that we can come up higher in, but the Good News is that God is at work in our lives to mold us and make us more like Him. Ask Him to search your heart and mind today. Surrender any area of your life that isn’t pleasing to Him. Invite Him to have His way in your life and allow Him to finish His perfect work in you!
A Prayer for Today