The World In My Minute

The World In My Minute
By: Jennifer A. Cuyugan

As I was sitting on a sheltered corner of an almost empty park; watching people passing by, I didn’t realize that I will be held captive by different scenarios of life in my momentary “minute world”. My heart smiled when I heard laughters from afar, kids chasing after each other while parents watched with loving eyes. It made me ponder how perfect life is for these children. Their innocence abounded my heart with little envy and longing that someday I would picture world once more in their perspective.

How I wish the world would stop at this… life would seem so simple and peaceful yet only I could have wished. Dreaming of a happy world for the entire “world”, a young group was breaking their brains off in a group study. How serious youngsters can be when they choose to… that made me think for a while if these young men would reach their goal in few years’ time.

On the other end, I saw few couples who seems so lost to their found “love” that other people around them seem not to exist. How nice to watch couples looking so in love yet a sad thought crossed my mind… will they make it last? Do they feel right love in its real sense? Can they promise faithfulness and honesty? Are they really in love with each other or in love with the idea of being in love?

With all those sad points about love running through my mind, I asked myself when I really felt loved. When I really showed and felt that I loved? The answer to my own questions, it doesn’t matter now as long as I’m managing my own bits and pieces efficiently, I told and convinced myself.

While I was putting an end to these doleful thoughts, I looked for other faces that perhaps will bring another story to me and there I found a woman, lost in her own thoughts… staring blank to a butterfly flying graciously to all the flowers it could not contain.

Is she here like me trying to find some explanations or reasons that will clear and satisfy her uncertainties? Is she also hoping to find solitude in this quiet place where I’m trying to find a moment of peace that I could regain myself? Perhaps, she is taking a moment of freedom after strenuous going-on and would like to take pleasure of letting herself be flown somewhere where limit is infinite? The difference we have…. I have a half contented and half bothered mind.

I tried to shift my focus upon the boundless blue sky and wondered if someone is watching me now and reading all these mind-filling thoughts. How I wish somebody or something will simply draw close from above and would sit with me while that “being” explains everything that I seek to know and understand.

Why do people seem to be so consumed with their own issues yet the same “own” issues affect the mortals around them? How every creature survives in this routinely rotation of the world that makes them wait for the day to end yet still hope for a brighter new day? What will make them cease from harming and hurting and eventually being harmed and hurt in return?

Time flew and I decided to stop the world I created in MY own minute. I strongly felt that there’s a bigger world that I need to reach out and a more complicated world that I need to sort out. But one thing made me stop for a minute, which “my world” do I go from here? The answer to my question… it doesn’t matter now as long as I know I have my own “make - believe world”.

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