Heavenly Encounter

Heavenly Encounter
By: Sandy Turner

On this day, July 8, 1995, I needed very much to feel the love of the Lord and be close to Him. I was weary from trying to stand for my family and for direction in my life. The prayer meeting tonight was to be a special time of fellowship with the Father as it is each time we meet. Our leading minister, began even before praise and worship with scripture from (I Corinthians 13) and (II Corinthians 3), saying this is what God put on his heart on the way to the meeting, to help us understand how much the Father wanted to bless us and minister to us. But there was a spirit of distraction that would get in the way; we had to come against that and all come to the Father with repentance and a longing to be with Him.

We stood up in a circle holding hands and began singing songs of praise to the Lord, led by another minister of God. I noticed it became so peaceful and the praises were soothing to the mind, soul, and body. Our voices joined and raised to the Father; it was so beautiful, I felt the girl on my left, drop my hand, I looked to see her fall to the floor, face down and hands out in front of her. Moments later the girl on my right, dropped my hand and I looked to see her drop to the floor as the other girl did. The presence of glory was all around us - I couldn't stop speaking in my languages to the Father - I wanted so much to be closer. The singing was so beautiful, I was so caught up in the singing and the voices of praise that I was not sure where I was - I heard someone say, "O Glory to God!" I tried to open my eyes and saw the pastor down on his knees and face to the floor, praising God, and all of our voices and languages were raised to the Father.

I saw the clock in front of me that said 8:30pm. My eyes closed and I felt so light on my feet, like I was floating, I no longer could feel anything under my feet. I heard singing, the most beautiful singing I have ever heard. I thought, could this be us, is this how we sound? I looked around and I realized I was not where I thought I was. I saw our group there, with me standing there, but I was looking down. I kept praying and praising the Lord. Then, all around me was pitch black. As I was gliding through this blackness, I saw a light and I was headed right for it. It got brighter and larger until I was totally in it. I could not see anything at first, I did hear music, voices of such beauty singing; I could not fathom where I was, all I knew was that I was not in that room and it was not us I heard singing. As I looked around, I saw streets of gold. I was in Heaven for real and that beautiful sound I heard was the sound of angels singing. I then saw two angels very clearly for they were right next to me, the others were hidden by the brightness of the light but I could see different shapes and sizes of angels. The angel closest to me I remembered from a vision I had 3 weeks before I was attacked in Sept of 1986. He was the one destroying the evil beings, laying me down, pulling my covers up and then touching my head in a gentle manner. I wanted to know who he was. Then, this magnificent presence approached me. It was Christ. He was huge. He appeared as John described Him in Revelations. I could not see His whole being but I knew His face and His love; His hair was flowing and white, His eyes were like fire but the warmth, compassion, and love could be felt and it was such an exuberant feeling flowing all through my body. Jesus spoke, which reverberated all through my body, and said, "My Father and I are so pleased with your willingness to intercede for others."

The Holy Spirit was giving me interpretation of some of these things at that time and more now as I try to tell all that happened as I've been asked to do. You see, nothing was spoken in English - all beautiful languages - Jesus reached out his hand to take my hand and said, "I want to take you to the Father." I was elated and floating by Jesus' side. I was looking all around me as we moved toward an even brighter light. I saw a massive brightness and at times I could see a huge gold and jeweled throne, part of it exposed briefly for the brightness engulfed so much around it. Jesus pointed out the Book of Life, a gorgeous book covered in jewels, sparkling so magnificently, He showed me my name written in the Lambs' Book of Life. He said when we came to stand before Him; we will see our lives laid out before us.
I looked up where I saw the throne and out from there was a river flowing out of it, right under me. Jesus said this is the river of living water. On either side I saw trees and flowers and fruit. One tree was massive and it branched over the river to the other side, it had beautiful leaves on it and fruit; I could reach up with one hand and grab fruit and leaves from it and also with the other hand reach and touch it. Jesus said, "this; is the tree of life, the tree from which you shall eat." On either side of me as we continued toward the throne and the Father, I saw mansions, beautiful stone and gem studded mansions. The sparkling jewels in themselves were blinding but reflected by the brightness of the glory of Jesus and the Father; there was before me the most beautiful prism of light I have ever seen or could ever imagine. I don't think there are the words or colors in this world known to man to describe the beauty of what I saw. The prism, and all the splendor of heaven, was so breathtaking, that, I could never have imagined any of it. My feeble mind could never have conjured up any of this.

When we arrived somewhat close to the Father, His Glory was so brilliant, I could not hold my head up. I could not see a form, only brilliant light. Jesus said, "when you've seen me; you have seen the Father." I was so overwhelmed I could hardly breathe, move or speak, even to myself. Then the Father spoke to me and said, "My precious daughter, I love you so much. I will give you material for books - I will give in detail as I choose. I want you to tell others what you've seen and heard. One key part of what I'm calling you to do is to take victory to the terminally ill and the crippled." He showed me, which appeared as though I was watching a video; bodies straightening up and out, arms growing back, legs growing back, veteran's being healed; arms and legs growing back, internal injuries being healed and restored, giving life back to those who are suffering. You will go where a lot of people fear to go, where fear is greatest, that's at death's doorstep. You are not only a survivor and an over comer but the woman of God I'm creating you to be. Your message is to take my love to each one I bring to you."

He said also, "I am ALL you need - to totally depend upon me, I am with you through it all and you must keep standing strong." Then I felt His embrace!! I don't know how long I stayed like that, but I didn't want to leave EVER!!

The Father said: "there is someone here that wants to see you." As Jesus turned me around to look behind me, I saw my dad. My spirit knew him and I could also tell by his eyes that somehow he was not in the body I remembered him in, but in a glorious body - all aglow. Dad said he had a message for me, but first he wanted to thank me for all the prayers and the scripture I gave him, for being obedient to Jesus and our Heavenly Father and for being a ministering angel to him when he needed it the most. Dad said it was glorious to be free of pain, to be with Jesus all the time. He told me to tell you how much he loves you, Mom, and how much more God loves you. He said to tell Gary thank you for loving and taking care of Linda and his precious babies. He also said to tell Linda how proud he is of all her accomplishments, that he loves her so, and that he loves Lyndsay, Kristen, Eric, Donna and Charles; most of all, tell them how much MORE GOD LOVES EACH of them. He said he looks forward to when we are all there with him.

I did not want to leave, but God said I needed to go and tell others what I've seen and heard. It seemed like seconds after that loving command from the Father that I heard other voices saying, "I believe she's back with us, she appears to be very unsteady, help her to the couch till she can come around". I remember sitting and as soon as I did, I laid my head back and I was filled with so much peace.

When I sat up I grabbed my pen and some paper and began to write down in a very shaky manner what I could recall with the help of the Holy Spirit. The pastor, and others began to say welcome back and asked if I would tell them all that happened. They said I was gone for 1 1/2 hours. I began to tell them bits and pieces of it and the pastor said not to worry, that I took in a lot and the Holy Spirit will help me to remember and interpret all I heard and saw, and so he has. The pastor said that he has seen this happen several other times - he says that God has a purpose for all of this in these end days. It is all so incredible! God said to tell, tell all who will listen - be led by HIS SPIRIT ONLY! GLORY to GOD! What a Loving Father!

I have been in much prayer especially since this experience. When asking the Lord what prompted this; that I know I deserve none of what I heard and saw; the Lord reminded me of a certain time in May of 1993, when I went to a Ladies' Advance. I was given this scripture and word –

(Jeremiah. 33:3) – “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you do not know.” "My daughter, all power in heaven and earth is under my control. I am waiting for you, call, DO SO NOW, and I will answer in miraculous ways. This is the promise of God and your Lord and Savior, Jesus.”

As I reflected on this, the Holy Spirit quickened my spirit and said, the Father said, "you have been calling to me, so I answered precious daughter."


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