You Are Good and Honorable!

You are good and honorable!

Today's Scripture

"Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." (I John 4:4)

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

It says in the Proverbs to keep your eyes fixed on the dreams and desires God has placed in your heart. This will keep you from focusing on the past and falling into the enemy's trap of self-pity. It's all about developing a godly self-image. It is important that we find out what God says about us through His Word, and boldly declare it! Joshua 1:8 tells us that when we meditate on, and declare the Word of God, we will be prosperous, successful, and wise. I hope you'll take hold of that promise and put it into practice every day of your life. Remember, you can overcome the past through Christ Jesus our Lord today!

A Prayer for Today

God, remind me that while I am in this world, I am not to be of this world-I belong to You. You made me in Your image and I pray that I can focus on all that is good and honorable in me. Help me to discover the perfect plan you have for my life. In Jesus' name - Amen.

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