The Door Is Open...Will You Come?
Today's Scripture
"A wide door has been open to me and with it are many adversaries." 1 Corinthians 16:9
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
God is always giving us opportunities to move forward in life. It is God's desire that you grow and reach your full potential. Anytime you take a step forward, the enemy will try to bring opposition and adversity against you. But God promises that through Him, you can overcome any opposition the enemy brings your way.
When you step out in faith and the opposition comes, stand your ground and keep doing what you know to do. Keep on praying. Keep reading and speaking the Word. Keep going to church. Keep walking in love and forgiveness, and keep your heart tender. When the enemy sees that you are more determined than he is, he'll back down and you will move forward to new levels of victory! Stay focused and full of joy no matter what comes against you. As you do, you will overcome opposition and discover the champion in you!
A Prayer for Today
God, I know it is Your will that I grow strong in my faith. I want to reach my full potential. Help me to push through the doors of opportunity that You open for me-no matter what holds me back. Thank you for challenging me to live a life of victory! In Jesus' name – Amen.
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