Stepping stones take us closer to God
Today's Scripture
"I will restore the years that the locust has eaten and I will bring you out with plenty and you shall be satisfied." (Joel 2:25)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
God wants you to live a satisfied life. He has promised to restore all the things that the enemy has stolen. However, just because God gives us this great promise, doesn't mean it will automatically come to pass. We've got to do our part, and develop a restoration mentality. We must expect things to change in our favor. We must be strong-willed and determined, and do everything we can to recover what the enemy has stolen from us. Remember, obstacles are simply opportunities for advancement. If you'll do your part to have a restoration mentality, God will take every obstacle that comes into your life and turn it into a stepping-stone that will take you to a place of higher honor and greater blessing.
A Prayer for Today
God, help me develop an attitude of hopeful expectancy. I know that You only want the best for me and that sometimes means learning to be strong even through hard times. Regardless of my circumstances, please remind me to be patient and to wait for you to reveal the perfect plan you have for my life. I want to have a "restoration mentality!" In Jesus' name - Amen.
James Parmis Ministries