Religion and Christ are not mutually exclusive, but they are very distinct. James, a New Testament writer and brother of Christ, wrote, "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world" (James 1:27). Religion can be many good things, but it cannot be a substitute for Christ.
Religion is something to believe and do:
- Attending religious services
- Enrolling children in religious schools
- Showing acts of kindness
- Avoiding immorality
- Believing in God
- Having religious affiliation
- Being baptized
- Receiving communion
- Studying doctrine
- Reading the Scriptures
- Offering prayers.
- Celebrating religious events
- Teaching religious classes
- Giving aid to the poor
- Singing in the choir
- Being recognized as a godly person
Christ is Someone to know and trust:
- Someone who is very near
- Someone who has authority to help us
- Someone who can forgive us
- Someone who can declare us righteous
- Someone who can set us apart for God
- Someone who can bring God to us
- Someone who can bring us to God
- Someone who can include us in His will
- Someone who can guide us
- Someone who can teach us
- Someone who can be our example
- Someone who never leaves us all alone
- Someone who can be trusted
- Someone who can defend us
- Someone who can intercede for us
- Someone who can enable us
- Someone who can respond to our emotions
- Someone who can feel our pain
- Someone who can give us joy
- Someone who can give us peace
- Someone who can give us hope
- Someone who can give us love
- Someone who has proven His love for us
- Someone who has died for us
- Someone who rose from the dead for us
- Someone who can live His life through us
- Someone who can take us all the way Home
- Someone who can assure us of heaven
"Religion makes you religious but JESUS makes you righteous." -anonymous
- James Parmis Ministries