Free Indeed

Free Indeed

Today's Scripture

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36 NIV).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Are you free today? Are you free indeed? So many people today hear that God wants to set them free, but yet, they still walk around feeling defeated and carrying unnecessary burdens. Don’t let that be you! Embrace the freedom that Jesus paid for. You are set free from the bondage of sin, fear, lack, sickness, worry, and cares.

Think about that for a minute. How would you feel if you never had to worry about money? God wants to set you free. How would you feel if you never had to be concerned about sickness? God wants to set you free. How would you feel if you never had fear? God wants to set you free! God has a plan for you to be “free indeed” in every area of your life. He wants to direct your steps on the path of life and give you pleasures forevermore. Accept His freedom and follow His path for you. You can trust that He is moving you into a place of victory and peace all the days of your life!

A Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your plan to set me free indeed. I release every burden and care to You today because I know You care for me. Help me to understand Your goodness and empower me to walk strong in You today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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